Because most people interested in the Ionity rates are from outside the Netherlands this post is in English. The time is almost there to pick up the Ioniq5 at the car dealership. Because of that I was curious about wich MSP could fill up this beast from 10-80% for the best rates. The difference is quite big.
Here are some MSP's in a list for the well-known 10-80% curve (55kWh).
In comparison, charging the same amount of energy at home in Netherlands will cost you €12,-.
At a regular public charging station this would be about €19,-
The list is sorted on price.
MSP Rate/kWh Price for 10-80% (55kWh in 18 min)
Freshmile €0,19 + 0,71/min €23,23
Ewe-Go €0,49 €26,95
Vattenfall €0,65 €33,75
Shell €0,66 €36,30
Maingau €0,75 €41,25
Other/CPO €0,79 €43,45
LastMileSol €0,79 + €0,60 start €44,05
Chargemap €0,86 €47,30
Plugsurfing €0,87 €47,85
As you can see the Freshmile card is the best deal for Ioniq5 drivers at Ionity. Only disadvantage is this card has a pre-paid system. You have to put some money on it first. Second best deal, (i.e. if you don't want to watch your watch all the time) would be Vattenfall, as Ewe-Go is not generally available throughout Europe (yet).
With ChargeMyHuyndai (officially not supplied in the Netherlands) you can fix the rate at €0,27 for €13,75 per month. With Ionity Passport (€18,- / month) the lower rates are available for everybody, downside for Ionity Passport: you can only subscribe for a full calender year. (12 months == €216,-)
Hyundai €0,27 €14,85
Passport €0,35 €19,25
Maarten, Nice comparison. Price differences are big. Freshmile has also an App available. There you can activate a credit card. But I'm not sure when only the card is used you first have to pre-pay (say) Euro 20?